Friday, 29 November 2013

November Journal Entries

It was so great to see all of you at the conferences! Here are our November journal entries. The students worked with a partner and had to co-operate!

Jersey Day - Today we have learned all sorts of new teams. There's Rods, Panthers, Jets, Hawks, Toronto Maple Leafs and more! Signed Ryker & Chase

This month at school we made O Canada booklets. It was fun. On the cover we drew things that represent Canada. We drew inside the booklets too. Some of the things we drew were flowers, people from a long time ago and crosses. We learned what the words mean. - Talia and Bradi B.

Les Fractions - Les fractions est comme ça, 1/2, un demi.
Shading - We cut our face in half. Then we shaded the other half.
Love, Juliana & Jessica

Today it's Jersey Day. We got to wear our own jerseys. We did an O Canada book. It was about Canadian stuff. We made a picture of us. From Brady P. and Elsir

We did a challenging art project. We had to cut our faces in half and draw the other half. On Jersey Day we had fun wearing the jerseys. By Braxton and Oscar

This month we went swimming 3 times. In swimming we learned how to do a lot of swimming. We did shading. Shading is so fun! - Emily & Carson

There's this day called Jersey Day and everybody wears jerseys with different teams! Mme cut a picture of our faces in half and we shaded the other half. We made notes on our monsters. We wrote letters to our monsters. - Kiera, Cassidy & Joshua

Shading is fun. I love shading. It is awesome. - Jaden & Colton

In November we had Jersey Day. I didn't wear a jersey but my sister's name is Jersey! It was fun and I wore not exactly a jersey but a sweatshirt with a type of team on it. I do not watch hockey, football or any other sports but I still like Jersey Day. - Pretyn & Holly

In November we watched Magic School Bus: Cold Feet. We learned about reptiles and that they have to move to warm places to keep moving. We also learned about the continents and the oceans. Signed, William and Andreas

Sara was absent.

Have a great week-end!

Oh, and don't forget about the math homework due on Monday:)

Thursday, 7 November 2013

September & October

- No school until Tuesday, November 12th
- Library books are due on Tuesday
- Accepting poppy donations on Tuesday
- Thursday, November 14th is our first swimming trip

Remembrance Day

The grade 3 choir sang beautifully today! Each student wrote was peace is to them this week and posted it on our bulletin board. Mme Hussey liked our work so much that she asked the students to each read their sentence over the PA system to the whole school!

September Journal Entries

Here are a few journal entry tidbits from way back in September when we were writing about the things we learned:
- We're writing our autobiographies. It is the story of our life. (Carson)
- This month at school I learned how to do a scarecrow glyph. I also learned how to play recorder. (Jessica)
- We wrote our names in all sorts of ways, like with paint. It was fun. (Braxton)
- This month at school we watched the Terry Fox movie. Our school raised $511.25 for the Terry Fox Foundation! (Brady P.)
-This month at school I learned how to do a silhouette. Madame traced the shadow of my face and then we cut it out. Then we put it on construction paper. Then we glued things that we like. (Cassidy)
- We looked at outer space pictures from NASA. (Kiera)
- A poem written by William:
School is fun,
School is cool,
School is better
than a swimming pool!

October Learning

This afternoon each group spent some time writing an entry for our blog about what we learned in October.

Bony Legs & Tomie De Paola
We did retell Bony Legs. We wrote Bony Legs in our own words.
Tomie De Paola is a good writer. He wrote Strega Nona books! The books are awesome and the class loves them! Three of them are Strega Nona, Big Anthony and the Magic Pot and Strega Nona's Magic Lessons. They are all cool!
-Kiera, Chase, Ryker & Talia

Monster Art Project
We did a monster art project where we cut out shapes and taped strings to it. It was so fun! We made vampires and a devil and a big foot out of a lot of different coloured papers. We love how it turned out.
-Oscar, Prestyn & Holly

Math & Social Studies
We estimated balloons and candy corn. We ate the candy corn after we counted it.
We wrote on a paper hockey puck. We wrote Canadian symbols.
- Jessica, Joshua & Carson

We played games with Ti'Bert. We made music with Ti'Bert. We made a loop pedal jam with Ti'Bert the voyageur and played instruments with him. We created a loop pedal jam with Ti'Bert by playing instruments in a microphone. With Ti'Bert we made musical instruments out of skewers.
- Juliana, Elsir, Braxton & Emily

Gravity is what pulls us on the earth. Static electricity is an invisible force. For example, rub a balloon on your head, it causes static electricity. Magnetism is a type of force. If you put north to north (poles), they push away from each other. Friction keeps you from sliding everywhere!
- Sara, William, Colton & Jaden

This October we had a Halloween party and we played a Halloween matching game on the Smart Board. We had a fun time. We also made Halloween patterns and had delicious snacks. We marched through the gym and we wore our costumes to school. We did a brain break dance and Madame threw balloons at us!
-Cassidy, Andreas, Brady P. & Bradi B.

Hope you have a great long week-end!
Mme DeSousa