Wednesday, 28 May 2014

May Update

Here is what grade 3, room 102 had to say about May:

The play 'Le nouveau bébé' only had two actors in it. One of them played one part and the other played two parts. 

We had a party called Cinco de Mayo. It is a traditional Mexican holiday. We had juice of mango, pineapple and orange because those fruits grow in Mexico.

We had tortilla chips, guacamole and salsa. We made the guacamole by skinning avocados and then mushing them up in a bowl with guacamole spice. 

We also had taquitos. We were writing about Mexico and getting pictures of Mexico on the classroom iPads. We made brochures and we printed them in colour!

There was an artist who came to our classroom. We are sketching plants, animals and other objects. Our artist is Mme Weibe. She helped us learn about an artist named Ernest Thompson Seton. 

We made pastel resist water colour owls. They were really fun!
Holly, Cassidy and Kiera made wolves because they weren't there when we did it. 

One day we went around the classroom looking at different parts of plants and investigating them. We used magnifying glasses to investigate them. There were roots, parts of bark, dirt, leaves, seeds and flowers. 

We helped Dimitri make part of the mosaic on the wall. This is the Tree of Life. There are some animals like bears, wolves, big foot, bison, beavers and turtles. This is some very beautiful art. There were different groups making different parts. 

In English we are reading a chapter book called Charlotte's Web about a pig named Wilbur and his friend Charlotte the spider. We answer questions about the chapters in our booklets. We decorate and draw things from the book, like crates.

We focused on division in May! Everybody was in groups and one of the groups was doing division. We learned how to divide bingo chips using an egg carton. The other groups worked on the iPads or building geometric solids.

We had a great time in May!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

April News

We had an assembly and it was fun. All the classes did Earth themed poems for Earth Day. We got to sing Notre planète c'est la Terre!

In science, we are growing plants and lots of them are growing. Some of the bean plants are getting huge! Some of our plants are wrinkled up. Each day we water them and write in our journals. We count how many leaves and measure our plants.

In social studies, we are learning about Mexico. We know that they speak Spanish. It's really hot in Mexico, there's no snow. They only have 2 seasons. Their rainy season is in September.

For math we are doing centres. One of the centres is answering questions using QR codes on the iPads. We started learning division, which is the opposite of multiplication. We are also studying geometric shapes and solids.

We have been reading Charlotte's Web in English. The author uses roman numerals to number the chapters. So far, Wilbur the pig has met a new friend, Charlotte the spider.

In health, we are learning about organs like the brain, kidneys, etc.

At the symphony we heard beautiful music and one of us feel asleep!

We heard songs and the pigs kept complaining at the grade 4 and 5 musical, The Trial of The Big Bad Wolf.

In gym we did soccer baseball, we played hockey and soccer.

Here is a picture of our geometric shape designs.

Here is a picture of our French poem. We each took a turn writing it out on the big chart paper.

Here is a picture of some of our plants growing in the window.

A note from Mme DeSousa:
- New home reading calendars are going home today for May and June. You just have to initial the day your child read and note the approximate time they read. Students should be reading in French daily. 
- Plants will be sent home eventually. Since it is not really outdoor planting weather yet, you might want to start collecting plastic containers to transfer the plants into until they can be planted outside, if you wish! Sour cream, cottage cheese or yogurt containers all work great for this. The egg carton can be planted right into the soil. Happy planting!