Friday, 30 September 2016

September 2016

Here is our September post!

Information from Mme:

Swimming lessons will start at the beginning of November. Notes with more details will be sent out as soon as all the dates are confirmed.

New home reading logs went home today. Students can earn a coupon for a free meal at Boston Pizza if they fill it in. Please only use one line per day, even if your child read more than one book. The back is for recording French books!

Students will be presenting a French poem next week, they should be practicing reading their poem daily.

Here is what we had to say:

Here we are making puzzles. We were working on teamwork!

Here is our summer writing. They look like sunglasses!

This is our 'We are smart' poster. We did a quiz to see what kind of smart we are. The most popular choices were nature and art!

Here we are having a magnet party. We are learning about forces in science.

Here we are making patterns in math. Once we were done, we had to continue someone else's pattern and then make our own!

Here we are doing yoga! We had a special teacher come to teach us about mindfulness!

We are playing outside with our reading partners. We were playing monkey in the middle and we took it easy on the little grade one buddies!

We are doing patterns again here. We learned about repeating patterns and used different shapes and colours.

We are using the colours that we want to use for our next art project! We were expressing our feelings with how we were painting.

We are experimenting with which objects are magnetic.

You can see on our desks, that we earn gum balls in our gum ball machine for speaking French. If we fill the machine, our group gets a prize! Two groups are already on their second machine. In the morning we work on our September booklet which has French writing. Today we finished it! It is September 30th. 

Hope you enjoyed our September blog post. See you in October!

Room 102

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Home Reading

Welcome to grade 3, room 102's blog!

Here are some questions and answers about the home reading program:

When should I change my books?

Whenever you are finished reading them. Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to finish a chapter book! You have time to change your books each morning before the announcements. If you forget, there is another chance during agenda writing and power reading in the afternoon.

Instead of reading a book, can we go on RAZ-Kids?

Yes, as soon as this program is up and running, you can just write RAZ-Kids on your reading log and get your parent to sign it as usual!

Do you have to bring the books back in one day?

No, bring them back when you are finished reading them. Please do not take new books until they are returned to their proper book bin. You should hand in your reading log to me each day though so that I know you have read and I can see what you are reading. Ask your parents to initial the log as well.

Can I read books from home? 

Yes, you can. You can also read books from the public library or our school library. All reading counts!

How long do we have to read? 

About 20-30 minutes should be good. Make sure you are reading in English and in French! 

Do we read the books so we can learn more?

Yes, that is one reason to read. There are many! You will also become a faster reader the more you read. Enjoyment is another great reason to read.

What happens if we don't read?

Sometimes you will have to attend the homework club at your lunch recess to catch up on some reading! This will only happen if you don't read for more than 3 days in a row without a note or e-mail from your parents explaining why you haven't had time to read.

What if a book is too hard or too easy?

If a book is too easy, it is still a good idea to read it for more practice and to build confidence. If it is not interesting for you, I can help to try to find one that is. If a book is too hard, you can return it and ask me to help you find a new one. If it is a story you are really interested in, ask a family member to read it to you! Maybe they can read one chapter every night before bed?