This is a yummy treat we made to explain how frogs hibernate. The chocolate pudding is the mud on the bottom. The gummy frog was in the mud. The ice was blue jello and whipped cream on top which was the snow. Frogs absorb oxygen through their skin in the winter.
At parent conferences we showed our parents how to make canola oil and play math games. It was very fun!
IN the first picture we were with Mme Pam learning about the seven teachings. We coloured a picture of our hand. With North Star we learned what the teachings mean and we talked a lot about love.
We did smudging if we wanted to.
We saw how many bingo chips the rolled paper could hold. We talked about how bird bones are hollow like the paper but still very strong.
Mme Burnett came to read a book with a bunch of different stories all in French. We talked about the stories in French. We didn't have to raise our hands to speak and we gave our opinions.
This is where we do our swimming lessons. The grade 4's stay at school.
We were dancing to a video to get some exercise.
When we have free time, we play with toys and games. Sometimes we like to draw pictures too.
We looked for capitals, periods and spelling mistakes in our triangle stories. We also made sure the story made sense.
Here we have groups of people trying to solve a math problem. We also have our dove paintings. At the Remembrance Day ceremony we sang songs, presented a poem and what peace is to us.