Monday, 29 April 2019


This is us getting ready for the play. It was super fun to sing the songs and to act on stage. The play was called The Return of the Glass Slipper. Have you seen it?

Here we are doing math centres. We learned about shapes, tangrams and different ways of measuring.

Every Friday we have free time at the end of the day if we're done all our work. We can play with toys or play dough. One of the games we play is Pictionary.

Here we are learning about flexible thinking with Mme Robin. In this activity we had to play games with different rules. We learned about Rock Brain and Superflex.

These are our first name and last name using Egyptian writing, or hieroglyphics.

Here we are doing our problems on the wall. The question was if 51 students were going to the zoo and they could travel 4 in a car or 7 in a van, how many cars and vans are needed? There could be extra seats.

We were doing our English centres such as practicing our words for words their way, drawing homonyms and synonyms, journal writing, RAZ-Kids reading, reading groups with Mme and playing the Word For Word game.

Here we were doing a survey. We asked our friends their favourite and least favourite foods and shows. We are reading Charlotte's Web which is a book about friendship.

These are the research projects we did for homework. We used Pages on the iPads to create a project with a partner. The subject was an invention that makes sound.

Here we are planting seeds. We planted peas, beans, lettuce, dill, basil and marigolds.

We also wrote about our week-end in French and drew a picture, we did reflex math and watched videos on a the French website and we make word searches with our words their way words!