Friday, 18 December 2020


We did some challenges in science and we had to make something to help Santa solve the problems. 

We had to color the snowman and the penguin, cut them and paste them on another sheet in a pattern. We folded that paper so that one way we see the penguin and the other way we see the snowman. It's called an agamograph. 

We designed holiday sweaters with decorations. We wrote about what we did first and second and we put them up on the bulletin board. 

We decorated gingerbread cookies. We wrote about how we decorated them in French. 

We were drawing gingerbread houses and many other holiday things. 

We are studying the continents and oceans. We did a Keynote project on the iPads about the continents. We had to do research. 

We watched Mme Diva do a concert in French on the smartboard. Mme posted the video on Seesaw!

In math we have been working on problem solving and more addition and subtraction. 
On the last day of school we played bingo with Mme Melo on Teams and the whole school was on Teams together!
Have a great holiday and stay safe!

Monday, 30 November 2020


We made poppies and doves for Remembrance Day. We shared what peace means to us. 

We were learning about our rights and we watched many videos that showed us that we have many rights. This one is 1,2,3 Coco. Ask me which one was my favourite!

We were experimenting with static electricity to see what things would stick!

We made a maze with a theme. The paperclip had to go through the maze with a magnet!

We were magnetizing paperclips and testing what objects attract magnets through different materials in science. 

We were reading some animals book written by Elise Gravel. Then we wrote about the animals in French. We compared them. We wrote a paragraph about one animal for the bulletin board. 

We are getting so great at reading because we do power reading each day. The more things we read, the more we know! We read books on RAZ-Kids too!

We try to practice our Reflex Math each day too! We are practicing our numbers in French. We've been doing addition and subtraction of big numbers. We also did problem-solving and sometimes we used our blocks to help us. We play math games a lot. We are practicing our doubles. 

We are working on cards to give to the center for senior citizens. 

We had to decide which option we liked better and then do the exercise for that choice. Some exercises were sit-ups, push-ups, running in place and lunges. 

We go outside for recess and sometimes we have the structure. It is fun!

We made owls in the style of Norval Morriseau. He's a Canadian First Nations artist.