Friday, 21 February 2014

February Update!

We made Valentine's boxes to exchange Valentine cards on Valentine's Day!

We practiced compatible numbers to 20 in math with partners until we knew them really well!

In French, each morning we have a sentence to edit and correct. In groups we are working on a presentation of a Robert Munsch book that we enjoy. 

In ELA, we are finishing publishing our own fractured fairy tales.

Here is some of the pottery we made in Pottery Club!

We have become experts on the subject of Ancient Egypt. Here is a picture of our names written in hieroglyphics.

The winter Olympics are here and we are keeping track of the medals on the bulletin board by the office. We have been keeping a journal called podium pages that talks about the athletes and sports. We have been watching some of the sports live on the smart board!

The third week of February was Festival du voyageur week. In gym we played tug of war. We ate pancakes. On Thursday we had activities all through the day. The activities were hot chocolate & bannock, making voyageur necklaces, bingo, gym, music, dancing in the library and sledding outside! We dressed up all week.

Let's hope it warms up soon so we can play outside at recess:)

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