Ryker - Be good and have manners also. Be responsible and don't swear kids, it's a no-no. Have fun in grade 3!
Oscar - In grade 3 you need to now work hard and don't slack-off. You shouldn't interrupt or do anything bad. You should work together only if you don't need to work individually.
Emily - Don't swear at other kids. Don't be rude to other kids or the teacher.
Chase - In grade 3 you're going to have to follow instructions and do what you're told. Trust me I got in trouble a lot. Hope you guys have so much fun in this class like me.
Prestyn - In grade 3 you have to not be, say or look up inappropriate things on the internet. Don't interrupt the person speaking. Don't do handstands and cartwheels in class. Don't bring toys, only if you have to or told to.
Juliana - In grade three if you don't have an iPad ask Mme cause she can print you information you need for the projects on the iPads. Don't do inappropriate stuff on the iPads. Mme DeSousa is the best teacher in the world. I hate to leave Mme DeSousa.
William - In grade 3 you need to do a lot of group work so you need to know how to work with other people. You are also allowed to have water bottles on your desk.
Colton - In grade 3 you need to be respectful, nice, don't swear and always do your work. Mme DeSousa is very nice and I wish you good luck.
Talia - In grade three you have to be responsible for your work. You have to try and memorize information and don't swear. Don't say inappropriate words and have manners.
Holly - In grade 3, Mme DeSousa's class, you must know these things to succeed: You must be respectful, quiet and responsible. You must listen to the teacher and don't be silly. You must always be nice to the others around you and ignore bad behaviour. Mme DeSousa is the best teacher ever!
Jessica - In grade three you have to listen or you won't get to do fun things. You will have to remember a lot of things and don't interrupt. You will have lots of fun!!!!!
Joshua - In grade 3 you need to learn manners. If you think to say an inappropriate word to a person keep it inside. If you're outside don't push, punch or kick and if the teacher is talking don't, I'm saying don't, interrupt.
Jaden - In grade 3 try to use juicy words! Do not interrupt Mme.
Cassidy - When you're in grade 3 be responsible for your stuff you take out, you have to put it away where you found it. Try to be good for the whole year. Be good to your friends and like my teacher Mme DeSousa.
Elsir - In grade 3 you need to listen. Ask Mme if you need help. Pay attention in classes. Don't fight. Play nice. Try to do your best. Do your homework and home reading. Don't swear. Play nice. Listen to Mme. Listen to the substitutes too.
Brady P. - In grade 3 be responsible. Do more work. Be a good boy. Don't be bad.
Carson - Be a good boy or girl. Be responsible. Have manners. Don't be inappropriate. Don't swear.
Sara - In grade 3 you need to...be nice, kind, not be bad, responsible, read, manners, memorize things, try, learn, don't be inappropriate, work with juicy words and cooperate with people. Have fun in grade 3!
Bradi B. - When you're in grade 3 you have to be respectful and responsible and follow all the rules. Try your hardest when you're working. Keep your desk clean (that's a mistake I made.)
Andreas - You must be good. Grade 3 students must be nice to the teacher and ask her when they need help. You must do your work. You should skip lines in sentences like in your own journal. Do not say bad things. Do not interrupt when the teacher's talking.
Braxton - In grade 3 you should know that Mme DeSousa is an awesome teacher. She is nice and gives us treats and reads good books to us. Even if people are bad she still gives them treats sometimes. But if you are bad she is still usually nice. You're lucky if you get her!
Kiera - In Mme DeSousa's class never, not ever, talk back or roll your eyes and always be nice. If you get homework do it because Mme will either make you go to homework club or have extras. (copies) Always do your home reading. Never ever, ever, be inappropriate, never swear or type bad stuff on the iPads. Do what you're told. Always cooperate, never rip someone's work or hurt someone. Never have a fit or a spaz attack.