Thursday, 30 June 2016


My advice for next year's grade 3 students is...

- Don't have girl drama, be nice to your friends and don't be rude to others! - Cayla

- You should always bring your home reading, you should not hand in your work late and Mme DeSousa should see nice printing. P.S. She loves that! - Neal

- We do a lot of work in class. We don't break things. Mme is really nice with students. - Nathan

- You better bring your home reading sheet or you will not get a sticker or a candy! - Shael

- You cannot be getting laughabetes all day long and don't look into the clouds when Mme is talking. - Adriana

- Never be mean. You are lucky you are in Mme DeSousa's class and work hard. Also be as nice as possible. Have a great school year! - Ashton

- Make sure you always bring something healthy for snack time! - Chaz

- Speak French and write nicely! - Andre

- If you listen to Madame you will become smarter than ever! - Keanna

- Have fun. Don't run in the class and do not yell. - Aiden

- Always clean up when you're done playing. Never sing or sleep in class. - Zahra

- Mme DeSousa is the sweetest teacher I ever met. Do not be a bully! - Kaitlyn

- You always have to listen to the teacher so you know what to do for work. Don't be mean to other people or make fun of them. You have to do your work all the time. Never talk when somebody else is talking to you. You never throw things at somebody or something. Always be on time so you don't miss anything the teacher is saying to the class! - Madison

- Mme is the best teacher ever. Don't pay attention to the people doing what they shouldn't be doing. You never know when Mme is gonna give candy away. Never sleep in class cause it's the best!  

- Keep the class clean, be nice, make Mme happy, keep your hand and feet to yourself, Mme DeSousa is the best! - Shana

- Always NEVER sleep in class. If you speak French, you will get a prize! - Mariam

- Make long sentences. Mme is strict. Do not, you hear me, do not be bad! - Rowan

- You will get to do lots of fun activities, like painting, math and French. You will go on lots of fun field trips. You will listen to lots of stories! - Layla

-Mme is so, so, so, so, so, so, so nice. It's easy and hard. Grade 3 is so much fun and funny! - Amiley

- You have to be respectful to your new teacher, Mme DeSousa. I hope you have fun. I'm really sure that Mme DeSousa is really, really nice so I'm sure that she's very kind. You can do as much writing as you can just like me, I did a lot of writing. You should do your best and you should be proud of yourself. You're grade 3! - Hannah

- My advice for grade 3 is to be kind. Never, ever be rude to Mme DeSousa, I'm watching you!! Always work hard and try your best! - Alexandra

- Work hard and be as nice as you can. Mme DeSousa is very nice! - Sully

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