Monday, 1 December 2014


Suggested Items for Food Hamper
Dear Families,
Thank you for your generous donations to help this family have a wonderful Christmas!

Food Items
Quantity required
Mac & Cheese
5 boxes
Cake Mix
3 pkgs.
2 pkgs.
1 large box
Cheese slices
1 pkg.
2 pkgs.
Cranberry Sauce
1 can
1 dozen
3 cans
1 jar
Jelly Powder
4 pkgs.
Juice (100% juice)
3 L
1 can
2 pkgs.
Apples & oranges
1 bag each
Pancake Mix
1 pkgs.
Pancake Syrup
1 bottle
Pasta, whole grain
2 pkgs.
Pasta Sauce
1 can
Peanut Butter
2 jars
Frozen vegetables
1 bag
1 pkg.
2 pkgs.
1 pkg.
3 cans/pkgs.
Scalloped potatoes
2 pkgs. 
4 cans
2  2kg bags
Tea or Coffee
2 pkgs.
3 cans
10 lbs.
4 cans

Gifts for:
Boy - 3 months old: board book, truck, bath toys, home made pillow, pyjamas, bath towel set
Boy - 13 years old: drawing tools, sketch pad, basketball, sketchbook and coloured pencils
Girl - 19 years old: Urban Planet gift card, make-up kit, shampoo, Shopper's gift card
Mom - hat and Shopper's gift card
Extras: Baby food & cereal
Beans, stir fry vegetables, extra tuna, cereal, juice & soup

Thursday, 6 November 2014

November News

The Remembrance Day ceremony will take place this Friday at 10:15 in the gym. Students in choir should wear a white shirt and black pants. Students in Brownies or Scouts can wear their uniforms. All are welcome to attend!

Here are some comments from the students:
We have been learning about leaders like Steven Harper, Greg Selinger and Brian Bowman.
Mme DeSousa's sister, Constable Cross came and taught us about bullying.

We have been learning about how to make poppies for Remembrance Day. We are leaning songs in music about Remembrance Day. We wrote what is peace for us to go with our poppies for the bulletin board.

We set reading goals. We finished reading The Boxcar Children and are making book covers for The DeSousa Press!

We wrote a book about what it is to be a good friend and took pictures inside and outside to go with our writing.

In science we have been learning about pushing, pulling, gravity, magnetism and static electricity. We watched Bill Nye the Science Guy!

We have been learning to add 2 and 3 digit numbers.
We have been learning a whole bunch of different patterns.
We have been learning new math games.

Here is our artwork. We drew pumpkins with pastels!

Friday, 10 October 2014

Cranberry Bread

Ask your child to tell you about the story we read in class, Cranberry Thanksgiving. 

Here is the recipe for the cranberry bread we made in class today!

Hope you enjoy and have a great long week-end!

P.S. There is a math game to play for homework this week-end. 

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Tomorrow, October 1st, I will be sending home a new home reading log. It is part of the Boston Pizza home reading program. Students can earn a certificate for a free kid's meal if they read for 20 minutes, 20 days of the month. They should be reading in English and French each day. I do expect them to read each evening but they will earn the coupon for completing the 20 days. Please let me know if your child requires any assistance choosing French books. CD's are available. Thanks!

Please read the blog entry we wrote together as a class this afternoon:

T-shirts - We wrote what we did on our summer vacation. We said what we liked the most. We tried our best to draw good pictures and decorate the whole t-shirt. We had to do really good printing. 

We are doing collages of our names. We traced our face and are cutting out things we like to make a collage of our silhouette. Mme read us an art book. 

Apples - We wrote about ourselves and our favourite things on these apples. We drew what we liked to do the most on them.

Science - We watched a video about gravity with Bill Nye the Science Guy! We are learning about push and pull and other forces.

Social Studies - Mme gave us a puzzle to work together and finish it. We are learning how to work as a group!

ELA - We started to write in our journals and we got to name them. Mme is reading The Boxcar Children to us and we're drawing our favourite scenes. We are learning about contractions. Mme read us a book about Nelly McClung, it was a biography.

Français - We started reading French books in groups. We wrote about what we like and don't like at recess. We talked about what we did on the week-end. We read Ours écoute. Ask me what it was about! We played bingo in French. We are starting to learn cursive handwriting.

Math - We did addition, subtraction, patterns, equal and unequal, graphs, number of the day and we played lots of math games!

Book Buddies - We play games and read with Mme Pelletier's grade 1 students.

Library - Day 1 is our library day.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Home Reading & Swimming Information!

Welcome to grade 3, room 102's blog!

Here are some questions and answers about the home reading program:

When should I change my books?

Whenever you are finished reading them. Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to finish a chapter book! You have time to change your books each morning before the announcements. If you forget, there is another chance during agenda writing and power reading in the afternoon.

Instead of reading a book, can we go on RAZ-Kids?

Yes, you can just write RAZ-Kids on your reading log and get your parent to sign it as usual!

Do you have to bring the books back in one day?

No, bring them back when you are finished reading them. Please do not take new books until they are returned to their proper book bin. You should hand in your reading log to me each day though so that I know you have read and I can see what you are reading. Ask your parents to initial the log as well.

How long do we have to read?

About 15-25 minutes should be good. Right now we are just reading English books but we will start bringing home French home reading, called Lecture Chez Moi (LCM) in the next couple weeks.

Do we read the books so we can learn more?

Yes, that is one reason to read. There are many! You will also become a faster reader the more you read. Enjoyment is another great reason to read.

What happens if we don't read?

You will have to attend the homework club at your lunch recess to catch up on some reading! This will only happen if you don't read for more than 3 days in a row without a note or e-mail from your parents explaining why you haven't had time to read.

What if a book is too hard or too easy?

If a book is too easy, it is still a good idea to read it for more practice and to build confidence. If it is not interesting for you, I can help to try to find one that is. If a book is too hard, you can return it and ask me to help you find a new one. If it is a story you are really interested in, ask a family member to read it to you! Maybe they can read one chapter every night before bed?

Swimming information:

Today a permission slip for the swimming program went home. Please return it as soon as possible. 
I will need 3 parents for each trip to the pool and hopefully at least one dad/grandpa per session to help supervise the boys in the change room. There is a sign-up sheet attached to the permission slip for volunteers. Here are the dates we will swim:
Tuesday mornings - Sept. 23 (Centennial Pool)
                               - Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21& 28 (Civic Centre)

The bus will pick us up at 10:00 and we should be back just in time for lunch at 11:25. 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

June Pictures

Here are some of the vegetables we used for our soup:

We boiled the vegetables in broth!

Some students enjoyed the vegetable soup more than others!

Students helped mix our 'mud' pudding pie.

The gummy worms were the best part!

Still growing plants!

Here is our art project, edible root vegetables!

Here are our representations of the barn in Charlotte's Web.

Mme Mary came to speak to us about compost.


Here are some photos from our trip to the Conservatory at Assiniboine Park.


Banana plants


More worms!

Have a great summer!!!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Advice for next year's grade 3's...

Ryker - Be good and have manners also. Be responsible and don't swear kids, it's a no-no. Have fun in grade 3!

Oscar - In grade 3 you need to now work hard and don't slack-off. You shouldn't interrupt or do anything bad. You should work together only if you don't need to work individually.

Emily - Don't swear at other kids. Don't be rude to other kids or the teacher.

Chase - In grade 3 you're going to have to follow instructions and do what you're told. Trust me I got in trouble a lot. Hope you guys have so much fun in this class like me.

Prestyn - In grade 3 you have to not be, say or look up inappropriate things on the internet. Don't interrupt the person speaking. Don't do handstands and cartwheels in class. Don't bring toys, only if you have to or told to.

Juliana - In grade three if you don't have an iPad ask Mme cause she can print you information you need for the projects on the iPads. Don't do inappropriate stuff on the iPads. Mme DeSousa is the best teacher in the world. I hate to leave Mme DeSousa.

William - In grade 3 you need to do a lot of group work so you need to know how to work with other people. You are also allowed to have water bottles on your desk.

Colton - In grade 3 you need to be respectful, nice, don't swear and always do your work. Mme DeSousa is very nice and I wish you good luck.

Talia - In grade three you have to be responsible for your work. You have to try and memorize information and don't swear. Don't say inappropriate words and have manners.

Holly - In grade 3, Mme DeSousa's class, you must know these things to succeed: You must be respectful, quiet and responsible. You must listen to the teacher and don't be silly. You must always be nice to the others around you and ignore bad behaviour. Mme DeSousa is the best teacher ever!

Jessica - In grade three you have to listen or you won't get to do fun things. You will have to remember a lot of things and don't interrupt. You will have lots of fun!!!!!

Joshua - In grade 3 you need to learn manners. If you think to say an inappropriate word to a person keep it inside. If you're outside don't push, punch or kick and if the teacher is talking don't, I'm saying don't, interrupt.

Jaden - In grade 3 try to use juicy words! Do not interrupt Mme.

Cassidy - When you're in grade 3 be responsible for your stuff you take out, you have to put it away where you found it. Try to be good for the whole year. Be good to your friends and like my teacher Mme DeSousa.

Elsir - In grade 3 you need to listen. Ask Mme if you need help. Pay attention in classes. Don't fight. Play nice. Try to do your best. Do your homework and home reading. Don't swear. Play nice. Listen to Mme. Listen to the substitutes too.

Brady P. - In grade 3 be responsible. Do more work. Be a good boy. Don't be bad.

Carson - Be a good boy or girl. Be responsible. Have manners. Don't be inappropriate. Don't swear.

Sara - In grade 3 you need nice, kind, not be bad, responsible, read, manners, memorize things, try, learn, don't be inappropriate, work with juicy words and cooperate with people. Have fun in grade 3!

Bradi B. - When you're in grade 3 you have to be respectful and responsible and follow all the rules. Try your hardest when you're working. Keep your desk clean (that's a mistake I made.)

Andreas - You must be good. Grade 3 students must be nice to the teacher and ask her when they need help. You must do your work. You should skip lines in sentences like in your own journal. Do not say bad things. Do not interrupt when the teacher's talking.

Braxton - In grade 3 you should know that Mme DeSousa is an awesome teacher. She is nice and gives us treats and reads good books to us. Even if people are bad she still gives them treats sometimes. But if you are bad she is still usually nice. You're lucky if you get her!

Kiera - In Mme DeSousa's class never, not ever, talk back or roll your eyes and always be nice. If you get homework do it because Mme will either make you go to homework club or have extras. (copies) Always do your home reading. Never ever, ever, be inappropriate, never swear or type bad stuff on the iPads. Do what you're told. Always cooperate, never rip someone's work or hurt someone. Never have a fit or a spaz attack.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Journal Entries

Comments about a news story we watched and read about:
Bradi B. - I think it is very crazy, wrong, rude, unkind and unfair that people are stealing goose eggs from geese. People should respect nature and just slow down!

Emily - I think we should reduce the amount of cars instead of geese.

Jessica - You can fix a car all you want, but you can't rebuild a goose!

Prestyn - It's heart breaking. You can fix a car instead of killing nature.

Assiniboine Park Trip:
Jaden - Today I went to the Assiniboine Park Conservatory and Nature Playground.

Colton - First we learned about plant adaptations.

Oscar - We learned about plant adaptations, it's how they survive without important things to survive (food, water, space and sunlight).

Kiera - We got to go in their rainforest and we got to feel, look and touch red wigglers.

William - We had two presentations about plants and soil. We also ate lunch in the Nature Playground.

Holly - Did you know that there are plants that smell like mint and popcorn?

Ryker - I saw four turtles and a lot of fish. There was a turtle in the fish pond!

Elsir - I discovered an ant hill and red wigglers, that's a type of worm. We used trowels to dig things up.

Brady P. - It was disgusting playing with worms!

Braxton - My favourite part was when we went on a scavenger hunt in the indoor rainforest and we learned about adaptations. We also played Simon Says in the rainforest, it was fun.

Chase - I learned a lot more about plants than I used to know!

Things we learned:
Andreas - My favourite thing was chapter books like Charlotte's Web.

Sara - My favourite part of grade 3 was Charlotte's Web because it's a great book.

Talia - We learned how to use Keynote, it was fun! Everybody did a different country on Keynote and everybody tried.

Prestyn - This year in grade 3 I learned...of course how to speak French in French, Science, Math, Music, etc...

Juliana - This year my favourite activity was being with Mme DeSousa playing Bingo. We watched The Magic School Bus, it was awesome.

Carson - The things I liked the most in grade 3 was when we watched The Magic School Bus and Charlotte's Web and when we read Ramona the Pest. I liked doing the Keynote project.

Emily - This year my favourite activity was working in our book for handwriting. I like handwriting because it looks really fancy.

Cassidy - On Cinco de Mayo we ate lots of Mexican foods. We were reading Charlotte's Web and then we watched the movie. The end was heartbreaking.

Oscar - Also, I really liked gym, I got good exercise with M. Senecal. I will really miss Mme DeSousa.

Joshua - Grade 3 is almost over but my friends are still having fun. Everyday me and everybody are changing, we're becoming wiser and more mature. My favourite part in grade 3 is recorder at music class.

ABC's of Grade 3

Assiniboine Park, Aboriginal Day, Autobiographies
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Charlotte's Web, Compost, Cinco de Mayo, Cranberry Thanksgiving
Egypt, Ernest Thompson Seton
Forces, Fish, Fire House Safety, Fractions
Gravity, Geometric Shapes
Halloween monsters, Hoop dancing
I-pads, I-movie
Juice at the Cinco de Mayo party
Mexico, Mosaic, Magic School bus
Natation, Nouveau Bébé
Plants and soil
Quimby Family
Ramona the Pest, Roots, Robert Munsch, Recorder
Soil, Sea Animals, Symphony, Silhouettes, Shading
Times, Tipi, Tomie de Paola, Ti'Bert
Underground (digging)
Vegetable soup
Words their way, Worms
Year of grade 3
Zillions of things to learn, Zoom out of school on the last day!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

May Update

Here is what grade 3, room 102 had to say about May:

The play 'Le nouveau bébé' only had two actors in it. One of them played one part and the other played two parts. 

We had a party called Cinco de Mayo. It is a traditional Mexican holiday. We had juice of mango, pineapple and orange because those fruits grow in Mexico.

We had tortilla chips, guacamole and salsa. We made the guacamole by skinning avocados and then mushing them up in a bowl with guacamole spice. 

We also had taquitos. We were writing about Mexico and getting pictures of Mexico on the classroom iPads. We made brochures and we printed them in colour!

There was an artist who came to our classroom. We are sketching plants, animals and other objects. Our artist is Mme Weibe. She helped us learn about an artist named Ernest Thompson Seton. 

We made pastel resist water colour owls. They were really fun!
Holly, Cassidy and Kiera made wolves because they weren't there when we did it. 

One day we went around the classroom looking at different parts of plants and investigating them. We used magnifying glasses to investigate them. There were roots, parts of bark, dirt, leaves, seeds and flowers. 

We helped Dimitri make part of the mosaic on the wall. This is the Tree of Life. There are some animals like bears, wolves, big foot, bison, beavers and turtles. This is some very beautiful art. There were different groups making different parts. 

In English we are reading a chapter book called Charlotte's Web about a pig named Wilbur and his friend Charlotte the spider. We answer questions about the chapters in our booklets. We decorate and draw things from the book, like crates.

We focused on division in May! Everybody was in groups and one of the groups was doing division. We learned how to divide bingo chips using an egg carton. The other groups worked on the iPads or building geometric solids.

We had a great time in May!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

April News

We had an assembly and it was fun. All the classes did Earth themed poems for Earth Day. We got to sing Notre planète c'est la Terre!

In science, we are growing plants and lots of them are growing. Some of the bean plants are getting huge! Some of our plants are wrinkled up. Each day we water them and write in our journals. We count how many leaves and measure our plants.

In social studies, we are learning about Mexico. We know that they speak Spanish. It's really hot in Mexico, there's no snow. They only have 2 seasons. Their rainy season is in September.

For math we are doing centres. One of the centres is answering questions using QR codes on the iPads. We started learning division, which is the opposite of multiplication. We are also studying geometric shapes and solids.

We have been reading Charlotte's Web in English. The author uses roman numerals to number the chapters. So far, Wilbur the pig has met a new friend, Charlotte the spider.

In health, we are learning about organs like the brain, kidneys, etc.

At the symphony we heard beautiful music and one of us feel asleep!

We heard songs and the pigs kept complaining at the grade 4 and 5 musical, The Trial of The Big Bad Wolf.

In gym we did soccer baseball, we played hockey and soccer.

Here is a picture of our geometric shape designs.

Here is a picture of our French poem. We each took a turn writing it out on the big chart paper.

Here is a picture of some of our plants growing in the window.

A note from Mme DeSousa:
- New home reading calendars are going home today for May and June. You just have to initial the day your child read and note the approximate time they read. Students should be reading in French daily. 
- Plants will be sent home eventually. Since it is not really outdoor planting weather yet, you might want to start collecting plastic containers to transfer the plants into until they can be planted outside, if you wish! Sour cream, cottage cheese or yogurt containers all work great for this. The egg carton can be planted right into the soil. Happy planting!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Parenting Today Workshops

Parenting Today Workshops
Workshops will be held from 6 :00 – 8:00 p.m. at Educa􏰀onal Support Services inside Jameswood School, 1 Braintree Crescent (off Olive & Ness). Free pizza supper will be offered from 6:006:30 p.m. and session will take place from 6:30–8:00 p.m. To register please contact Liz Ma􏰁s at 2048859555 or email ptregistra􏰀
FREE CHILDCARE IS PROVIDED FOR SESSIONS. When registering please indicate for how many children and their ages. Once registered, if you cannot a􏰂end, please be sure to contact Liz Ma􏰁s at 2048859555 or email ptregistra􏰀
April 15, 2014: A Parental Perspective on Autism, Presented by Mia Safiniuk
Mia Safiniuk is a certified resource teacher and school counselor. Since 1991, Mia has worked in the private and public education sectors including First Nation’s schools. She has taught in inclusive classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Her eldest son has Asperger’s. She brings forth practical connections and understanding between: systems, parental per- spectives, and best practices.
The following workshop will include a personal perspective on inclusion that focuses on: challenges, triumph, change(s), roadblocks, systemic implications, relationships, teamwork, and the power of positive advocacy.
May 6, 2014: Coaching For Confidence, Presented by Dr. Maria Phelps, Educational Support Services, St. James Assiniboia School Division.
Shyness and anxiety are normal human emotions. Some children, however, are much more shy or fearful than the average child. For these children, anxiety may interfere with their enjoyment of school, activities with other children, new experi- ences (swimming lessons, birthday parties, etc.), and their development of independence and confidence. In this session, parents will learn about anxiety in children aged four to seven and gain useful tools to help your children overcome this problem.
May 27, 2014: Speech and Language Summer Activities, Presented by: Speech and Language Pathologists, Educational Support Services, St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Students who receive speech and language support during the school year benefit from continued practice over the sum- mer. The purpose of this presentation is to provide parents with simple, quick, and easy activities that can be done as a part of the daily routine. We will provide suggestions for helping your child continue to practice the speech sounds and language skills they have learned throughout the school year. 

Friday, 28 March 2014

March Update

Bradi B. - We were practicing the Notre planète song for Earth Day.

Chase - We are also learning a poem about Earth Day. It's called Ma planète bleue.

Ryker - We learned how to do a slide show on the iPads using Keynote.

Cassidy - We are doing an art project colouring shapes.

Braxton - We traced shapes on a piece of paper and then coloured them each different colours.

Kiera - We measured how long it took the tortoise and the hare to get through a maze using centimetres.

Carson - We had to measure liquids in litres and objects in grams.

Juliana - We had to write a poem in ELA about a colour.

Emily - We studied synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.

Joshua - We were colouring our Egypt papers and gluing them together.
Mme is reading Ramona the Pest every day before we go home.

Talia - We wrote what was happening in Egypt on our papers.

Sara - We had a presentation on Monday about plants and prairies.

Holly - We were studying structures and pretending to be architects and designing houses.

Andreas- We are doing a beep test in gym.

Braxton - There are 2 kinds of beep tests, the curl-up beep test and the running beep test.

Colton - We are doing our black belts in music - Ode to Joy!

Jaden - Today we had a special snack.

William - Today is sports gear day.

In French we are also working on editing and sounds.
We are eating and drinking healthy. We talk about the 4 food groups every time we have a snack.
We also had wear green day for St. Patrick's Day and we collected money for The Dream Factory.
When we worked on our Keynote projects we learned many things! We learned new information about countries, how to work together, how to share ideas and iPads and how to use Keynote including  cropping pictures, adding transitions, saving images and using the French keyboard.

We had a great spring break party!

Friday, 21 February 2014

February Update!

We made Valentine's boxes to exchange Valentine cards on Valentine's Day!

We practiced compatible numbers to 20 in math with partners until we knew them really well!

In French, each morning we have a sentence to edit and correct. In groups we are working on a presentation of a Robert Munsch book that we enjoy. 

In ELA, we are finishing publishing our own fractured fairy tales.

Here is some of the pottery we made in Pottery Club!

We have become experts on the subject of Ancient Egypt. Here is a picture of our names written in hieroglyphics.

The winter Olympics are here and we are keeping track of the medals on the bulletin board by the office. We have been keeping a journal called podium pages that talks about the athletes and sports. We have been watching some of the sports live on the smart board!

The third week of February was Festival du voyageur week. In gym we played tug of war. We ate pancakes. On Thursday we had activities all through the day. The activities were hot chocolate & bannock, making voyageur necklaces, bingo, gym, music, dancing in the library and sledding outside! We dressed up all week.

Let's hope it warms up soon so we can play outside at recess:)


For our design process in science, we built structures.

Monday, 27 January 2014

January Update!

We made Inuksuks and northern lights. We used chalk pastels. 

It took a long time to make dots that represent beads on our mittens. 

Here are our stuffies! We brought them to school on pyjama day.

This is Jessica's boat! We all made a boat out of foil paper. We used marbles to test the boats and we hoped they wouldn't sink. 

This is a hogan. We built it in groups of 3 during centres. 

Here is an arch. It is the doorway to an igloo. 

This is the design centre. We explored many shapes and First Nations designs. We built totem poles out of cardboard rolls. 

We built tipis using sticks, leather strings and saran wrap. 

We made roofs out of pipe cleaners. We tested their strength. The strongest one was the spider web shaped roof!

Swing it Baby! We counted how many times the baby swung depending on how far we let the swing go. 

Here is the totem pole stencil.

The last centre was playing Tangrams on the iPads.

We have many math apps on the iPads now! We are working on multiplication. We are writing fractured fairy tales. We learned how to hoop dance in the gym. Robert Munsch is our French author study. We learned about what scribes and pharaohs did in Ancient Egypt. We are working on an art project in music for the symphony.